Your acupuncturist will treat the root of disease and provide relief of your symptoms. Our acupuncture treatments help you become healthier and prevent disease. A whole system of medicine, acupuncture can treat everything from the common cold, to low back pain to fertility issues.
Better Health with Traditional and Modern Medicine
Our acupuncturists are located in Seattle and trained in Traditional East Asian Medicine (EAM). This includes Acupuncture, Acupressure/Tui na (Chinese massage), Cupping, Food therapy, Cold laser therapy, (Laserpuncture), Moxibustion (warming of acupuncture points) and Chinese herbal medicine. They are grounded in the traditional art of diagnosis and treatment. This is based on observation including the pulse, tongue and assessment of the yin, yang, blood and qi.
Our acupuncturists are also trained in modern science to give you the best of both worlds. In most cases, our patients do not reject Western medicine or conventional medical doctors. Instead they choose to explore a more complete view of their bodies by integrating East Asian Medicine. We promote optimum health rather than just the absence of illness.
Specialty Divisions:
Seattle Fertility Acupuncture, IVF/ IUI support
Holistic Gynecology
Orthopedic Acupuncture
Our Treatments
We offer holistic, individualized acupuncture treatments ranging from 1.5 hour first appointments to ½ hour mini treatments. Follow up visits are generally 1 hour. Most conditions are treated with a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs. This is especially important with chronic conditions. Looking for acupuncture in Seattle? You’ve found the place.
Our Practitioners
Lindsey Lawson, MS, EAMP, Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist Women’s health and fertility, Holistic gynecology, IVF/IUI support, pregnancy and postpartum care, PCOS, acute and chronic pain, allergies
Derek Kirkham DAOM, EAMP, Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist Acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, headaches, respiratory issues, allergies and supportive cancer care.
Caitin Quinby MS EAMP Acupuncturist,Chinese herbalist, Women’s health, fertility, IUI/IVF support, and pain relief.
Jillian Turner MS EAMP Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist, Women’s Health, IUI/IVF Support, menstrual irregularities, PMS, menstrual pain, and perimenopause.
“The superior doctor prevents illness, the mediocre doctors treats impending illness, the inferior doctor treats illness .” — Chinese Proverb