Every acupuncture treatment addresses your emotions. Chinese Medicine does not view them as separate from physical health. The state of your emotions, especially those of the “heart” directly impacts your reproductive system via the Chong meridian.
The Chong is an internal meridian that connects the “heart” and the “uterus.” In Chinese medicine the “uterus” is a term used to encompass the uterus and lining, ovaries and eggs, fallopian tubes, cervix and vagina. Any reproductive imbalance can be affected by this connection. Many of us feel this connection between our feelings and “uterus” intuitively. For others the connection is not so obvious.
In Chinese Medicine the “heart” can be thought of as the pituitary gland. From this reductionist view the Chong then relates to the Hypothalamic/Pituitary Axis and is deeply impacted by stressful emotional states. When there is trauma, weakness or excess stress, the heart spirit can be injured. It can then disrupt the healthy functioning of the uterus. The stagnant energy can block the flow of energy and blood to the uterus. It can also travel down the Chong and harass the uterus causing menstrual irregularities and hampering fertility. This imbalance can also be felt through such symptoms and heart palpitations, insomnia, hot flashes, or emotional volatility and heartache.
Sometimes women feel that their stress shouldn’t impact the functioning of their reproductive system. That it can remain separate. We know that this isn’t true based on studies of the hypothalamic pituitary axis. This endocrine pathway can get disrupted by stress causing many types of reproductive and fertility issues. The heart and uterus connection is an easy way to visualize this system and the impact your emotions can have on it.
By meditating and tuning in to the feelings associated with these areas of your body you can unblock and strengthen vital energy that is important for a happy reproductive system and for conception. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs can also open up energy in the Chong, regulate the Hypothalamic/Pituitary axis and balance the emotions.
Lindsey Lawson MS EAMP is an Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalist and Clinic Director at Glow Natural Health and Seattle Fertility Acupuncturist. She is passionate about healthy, happy living, food and is a regular blogger. For an appointment call Glow at 206 568 7545.
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