by Lindsey Lawson MS EAMP, Acupuncturist, Chinese Herbalisttree polle

Cedar, alder, birch trees can play havoc on those suffering with tree pollen allergies in the Pacific Northwest. Here are a few tips on how to cope.

  • Keep floors clean. Vacuum weekly. Take your shoes off to avoid tracking allergens indoors
  • Shower before bed. Pollen can linger on skin and hair.
  • Neti pot daily 1-2 times to wash pollen out of the sinuses
  • Get a HEPA filter for your bedroom to remove 99.97% of pollen. Make sure to clean and replace filters
  • Consider a detox diet to reduce overall inflammation in the body
  • Wash pillows and mattresses weekly in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • A cup of caffeinated tea in the morning can help open nasal passages
  • Monitor pollen levels and know when they are the highest. (When levels are at the highest, I like to plan a weekend away to a warmer or colder place where the tree pollen count is lower.)
  • Use freeze-dried stinging  nettles as an antihistamine. Try 300 mg 2-3 times daily.
  • Get acupuncture to relieve symptoms and promote immune function.