Congrats again to Rachel and family on little Isabella Erickson born 3/3/10. what a cutie. This is the email that Dr. Rachel sent shortly after the birth.
She’s finally here!
As some of you know, on day 13 over my due date I decided to take the castor oil route, after acupuncture, membrane sweeping, herbs and lots of other tricks. It was my last resort but it did the trick! 2 hours later, noon I started labor and whoo boy did it progress quickly! I was pretty upset because I was having 4-6 minute long contractions with a 30-90 second break in between. By the time my midwife showed up at the house at 7pm I was 8cm dilated! That gave me a second wind because I was trying to convince myself that this was a 3 out of 10 pain and I had a LONG ways to go!
At around 10:30 I started pushing and delivered her squatting on my bed! We didn’t even have time to get me in the tub!
Some nice quotes: “Oh this is WAY easier than I thought it was gonna be!” “I’ve got birthin’ hips!” chanting “every contraction is one step closer to the birth of my baby!” and “mother F&^%$#er this HURTS!, you’ve got to be KIDDING me!” haha! 
Her successful home delivery took 12 hours and 2 midwives and she was born at 12:08 on 3/3/10 on my bed at home :)
8# 6oz, 21 inches long, and a dark head of hair with blue eyes (for now). She came out alert and had her eyes open before her head was even all the way out, great APGAR scores and cried right away! She also came out with her arm in front of her face which came out waving first thing! She didn’t sleep for about 4 hours after she was born, and still is not super excited about sleeping. She wants to see everything!,  Both of us were in perfect condition…well I’m a little worse for wear ;)
Astrologically for those who care/believe:
– Pisces sun
– Scorpio rising
– Libra moon
– 4 planets in Pisces!
– 2 in aquarius
– Mars in Leo!
Wow, she’s quite the character. Hopefully you will all meet her soon!
Rachel, Cameron and Baby